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Red Deer Sedation Dentistry

Your Red Deer Choice for Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

If you are fearful of visiting the dentist, you are not alone! For many people, fear and anxiety about visiting the dentist prevent them from receiving the dental care they may need. At Neighborhood Dental, we are dedicated to making sure our patients are comfortable, and we do our very best to ensure this is always the case. That is why we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry options for nervous patients who want to minimize their anxiety during their next dental visit and ensure they maintain the optimal oral health they deserve.

Sedation Dentistry | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer
Tumor | Fibroma | Removal and Biopsy | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Tumor | Fibroma | Removal and Biopsy | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

Sedation Dentistry offers patients the ability to be sedated during their dental visit so that they can manage and better control their dental phobia and anxiety and take the necessary steps to care for their dental health. Neighbourhood Dental is pleased to offer various sedation dentistry options so that patients can achieve a calm and relaxed state during their dental visit, without the added fear or anxiety that sometimes exists. Sedation dentistry options include nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation.

What Types of Sedation Dentistry Does Neighbourhood Dental Offer?

Nitrous Oxide

Sedation Dentistry | Nitrous Oxide | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is an effective and safe sedative that is made up of oxygen and nitrogen that is inhaled through a small mask that fits over the nose. Inhaling the gas helps to bring about a mild to moderate state of relaxation; you will be able to hear and respond to any direction or request, but you should ultimately feel quite comfortable and relaxed. Effects of nitrous oxide wear off rather quickly after the mask is removed from your nose, so you can usually drive yourself home after your dental appointment.

Sedation Dentistry | Nitrous Oxide | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer
Sedation Dentistry | Oral Sedation | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

Oral Sedation

Sedation Dentistry | Oral Sedation | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

Oral Sedation uses the administration of oral sedatives taken in pill form, usually about one hour before your dental visit. It generally induces a comfortable and relaxed experience during treatment. Little is remembered of the dental visit once it is over as if you had slept through the treatment. Despite having little memory of the experience once it is over, patients actually maintain a level of consciousness that allows them to follow instructions during the procedure.

IV Sedation

Sedation Dentistry | IV Sedation | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

IV sedation, or intravenous sedation, refers to the administration of anti-anxiety medication administered intravenously, that helps you feel relaxed and at peace during your dental treatment. It is administered through a carefully placed thin needle into your vein. It starts to work immediately and is often described as “twilight sleep.”  While it does not put you to sleep fully, it does make you feel comfortable, calm, and less aware of your surroundings. You can still respond to verbal commands and gentle nudging, but you will likely not remember the procedure. It helps you relax and feel at peace, so you can obtain the dental care you require without the worry, stress, and anxiety. You will feel very minimal pain, if any at all, during the procedure. It creates long periods of amnesia, so you will not remember the procedure at all when you wake up.

Sedation Dentistry | IV Sedation | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation Dentistry | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

Sedation dentistry is considered safe and effective. Your Neighbourhood Dental dentist has been carefully trained in sedation dentistry and will constantly monitor your vital signs to make sure everything is normal. Neighbourhood Dental is pleased to offer all types of sedation dentistry so that you can complete multiple treatments in only one or two appointments. You remain calm and relaxed, while we do all the work to improve your smile!

Sedation Dentistry | Neighbourhood Dental | General & Family Dentist | Red Deer

If you have any questions at all about Sedation Dentistry, or you are wondering if Sedation Dentistry might be right for you, call
Neighbourhood Dental at 825-221-1888 and we will be happy to assist you.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Call Neighbourhood Dental at 825-221-1888 to set up your Sedation Dentistry appointment today!

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